Cultivating Mindful Awareness - Transforming Depression and Anxiety | Befriending Emotions

Lee Lipp, Ph.D.

AVAILABLE NOW: Befriending Your Pain Online Course Learn more

Samples of Lee's Talks

Taming the Mind Begins with Gentleness: An Excerpt from Befriending Your Pain with Dr. Lee Lipp.

Befriending Your Pain: Transforming Depression and Anxiety Through Mindfulness & Compassion with Dr. Lee Lipp is an experiential online course in which participants learn to cultivate practices for managing and preventing chronic feelings of unhappiness.

“Finding the key to quieting the mind and relaxing into the present is simple—but using it takes practice.”

“With encouragement and skillful means to interrupt the mind’s habitual patterns that contribute to challenging mood states, you can create new, beneficial pathways in the brain.”

—Dr. Lee Lipp

To find out more about this course,

A Radical Approach to Emotional Storms: An Excerpt from Befriending Your Pain with Dr. Lee Lipp.

Befriending Your Pain: Transforming Depression and Anxiety Through Mindfulness & Compassion with Dr. Lee Lipp is an experiential online course in which participants learn to cultivate practices for managing and preventing chronic feelings of unhappiness.

“Meditation and mindfulness practices help quiet the mind so you can slow down enough to see what is actually happening internally. The natural state of a quieted mind interrupts reactivity and offers you freedom to discover a still place. It is from this settled, silent and spacious place that we can choose to have a compassionate and responsive relationship to every element of our experience.”

—Dr. Lee Lipp

To find out more about this course, visit:

The Covert Nature of Pain: An Excerpt from Befriending Your Pain with Dr. Lee Lipp.

Befriending Your Pain: Transforming Depression and Anxiety Through Mindfulness & Compassion with Dr. Lee Lipp is an experiential online course in which participants learn to cultivate practices for managing and preventing chronic feelings of unhappiness.

“Perhaps you feel you can’t talk about [your unhappiness] because there is a cultural stigma around experiencing painfully uncomfortable emotional mood states, including those labeled depression and anxiety. By transforming this perspective, we can transform our lives.”

“The Buddha taught that it is possible to have a new relationship to our experience of pain and difficult mood states. Rather than trying to avoid our pain, we can choose to befriend it with care-filled kindness, mindfulness and compassion.”

—Dr. Lee Lipp

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